Huggy's Events Calender For This Year

Huggys Old Timers Bike And Car Meets:

March 2nd, April 6th,  May 19th,  June 1st (Trophies for Bikes), July 6th CANCELLED DUE TO MALLORY BIKE BONANZA

August 3rd (Trophies for Cars),  September 7th,

Vincent HRD Owners Club Bike and Distinguished Gentlemans Ride Out Meet:

19th May

Everyone is welcome on Classic Cars and Bikes.

Huggys Auto Jumble in Co Operation with Mallory Park Race Circuit:

These will be heald at the same time of Old timers meets above in the field on left as you come into Mallory Park. £5 a stall and £2 public entry.

To book stands and find out more please ring the shop on 01827712906 or Email us at